Klaipėdos r. sav., Stančių k.

Plot for sale

Klaipėdos r. sav., Stančių k.

Plot for sale

350 000
7 per m²

About this property

Great location for a block of individual houses. Next to the golf course National Golf Resort Klaipėda, a prestigious area of private houses. The surface is smooth. A plot has been set aside for access. A plan was started to divide the plot into small plots. 8 km to RIMI store near Dragūnai quarter. Negotiations are possible. Distances to: - the outskirts of Klaipėda (University Hospital) - 8 km; - Klaipėda center - 15 km; - Palanga - 20 km; - Kretingo - 10 km.

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